Sedmi GavranFest održat će se od 5. do 10. Travnja 2017. u Pragu u Češkoj.
GavranFest je kazališni festival na kojem se igraju predstave nastale prema dramama i komedijama hrvatskoga književnika Mire Gavrana. Na ovogodišnjem festivalu nastupit će kazališta iz Bratislave, Praga, Zagreba i Beograda.
Osim kazališnih predstava bit će upriličena promocija knjige Mire Gavrana na češkom jeziku pod nazivom „Nove komedije iz Hrvatske i poneka drama“ u prijevodu Jaroslava Otčenašeka i Františeka Karocha, održat će se okrugli stol na praškom Filozofskom fakultetu UK pod nazivom „Miro Gavran, kazališni autor u europskom i svjetskom kontekstu“, na kojem će sudjelovati teatrolozi iz Njemačke, Poljske, Češke i Hrvatske, Miro Gavran održat će književni susret na kojem će predstaviti svoj novi roman „Nekoliko ptica i jedno nebo“, a u sklopu festivala izvest će se i svečana petstota repriza Gavranove komedije „Sve o muškarcima“ koja se već devet godina igra u Pragu.
Organizatori festivala su Udruga LASTAVICA iz Praga, Kazalište STUDIO DVA iz Praga i Kazalište PALACE , također iz Praga. Direktor festivala je Nenad Bojić. Selektor i producent festivala je František Karoch, koji je za ovogodišnji festival odabrao šest predstava iz pet kazališta:
5. 4. 2017. „Sve o ženama“, Teatar DIVA, Bratislava
6. 4. 2017. „Sve o muškarcima“, 500. svečana izvedba, Kazalište STUDIO DVA, Prag
7. 4. 2017. „Čehov je Tolstoju rekao zbogom“ ,Teatar 3 D, Prag
8. 4. 2017. „Teško je reći zbogom“, Teatar VIHOR, Beograd (s titlovima na češkom)
9. 4. 2017. „Pivo“, Teatar GAVRAN, Zagreb (s titlovima na češkom)
10. 4. 2017. „Sladoled“, Teatar GAVRAN, Zagreb (s titlovima na češkom)
Festival je pokrenut 2003. godine u Kazalištu Jana Palarika u gradu Trnavi u Slovačkoj, gdje je djelovao do 2009. i imao četiri izdanja, potom se 2013. godine održao u Teatru LUDOWY u Krakovu u Poljskoj, a od 2016. djeluje u Pragu u Češkoj. Gavran je jedini živući pisac u Europi koji ima kazališni festival njemu posvećen, a koji djeluje kontinuirano izvan njegove domovine. Idejni začetnici i pokretači GavranFesta bili su Emil Nedielka, ravnatelj kazališta Jana Palarika iz Trnave, i Michal Babiak, kazališni redatelj i sveučilišni profesor iz Bratislave.
The seventh GavranFest, the theatre festival dedicated to performing plays by Miro Gavran, will be held from April 5th to 10th, 2017 in Prague, the Czech Republic. GavranFest is a theatre festival dedicated to performing dramas and comedies created by Croatian writer Miro Gavran.This year's festival will include performances by theatres from Bratislava, Prague, Zagreb and Belgrade.
In addition to theatre performances, promotions of books by Miro Gavran in Czech will be arranged, under the title "New comedies from Croatia and the occasional drama," translated by Jaroslava Otčenašek and František Karoch; there will be a round table discussion at the Prague Faculty of Philosophy UK, titled "Miro Gavran, the theatre author in a European and global context," which will be hosted by theatrologists from Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Croatia; Miro Gavran will hold a literary meeting to present his new novel, "A Few Birds and One Sky"; and the festival will host the ceremonial 500th performance of the Gavran comedy "All About Men", which has already been running for nine years in Prague. The festival organizers are the LASTAVICA Association from Prague, Theater STUDIO DVA from Prague, and PALACE Theater, also from Prague. The festival director is Nenad Bojić. The selector and producer of the festival is František Karoch, who has chosen six plays from five theatres, for this year's festival:
5. 4. 2017. "All About Women", Theater DIVA, Bratislava
6. 4. 2017. "All About Men", 500th gala performance, Theater STUDIO DVA, Prague
7. 4. 2017. "Chekhov Says Good-Bye to Tolstoy", Company 3D, Prague
8. 4. 2017. "It's hard to say goodbye" ,Theater VIHOR, Belgrade (with subtitles in Czech)
9. 4. 2017. "Beer", Gavran Theater, Zagreb (with subtitles in Czech)
10. 4. 2017. "Ice Cream" ,Gavran Theater, Zagreb (with subtitles in Czech)
The festival was initiated in 2003 at the Theater of Jan Palarik in Trnava, Slovakia, where it ran four times until 2009 before relocating in 2013 to Theater LUDOWY in Krakow, Poland. As of 2016, GavranFest takes place in Prague, Czech Republic.
Gavran is the only living writer in Europe who has a theater festival dedicated to him, that continuously operates outside his homeland. GavranFest was initiated and developed by Emil Nedielka, the theatre director at Jan Palarik, from Trnava, and Michal Babiak, a theatre director and university professor from Bratislava.